NIH Press Release: NIH networks to advance emotional well-being research
February 1, 2021In this release from the National Institute of Health, our founder’s work on the Plasticity of Well-Being is announced as a funded research network.

Five new research networks, including The Plasticity of Well-being: A Research Network to Define, Measure, and Promote Human Flourishing, totaling $3.13 million in funding from the National Institutes of Health will allow investigators to refine and test key concepts that advance the study of emotional well-being. Emotional well-being has been defined as an overall positive state of one’s emotions, life satisfaction, sense of meaning and purpose, and ability to pursue self-defined goals.
More on our funded research network:
The Plasticity of Well-being: A Research Network to Define, Measure, and Promote Human Flourishing; University of Wisconsin-Madison; Richard Davidson, Ph.D. This project will advance understanding of how to promote and protect well-being in everyday life, identify the core plastic constituents of emotional well-being, develop robust measures of these constituents at biological, behavioral, and experiential levels of analysis, and characterize the plasticity of these constituents. (Grant U24 AT011289-01; ODP is a co-funding partner)
The full press release expands on all of the investments in research for well-being.